Dizzy's Club Coca Cola in New York City


Jazz at Lincoln Center Doho - Qatar

Jazz Alley in Seattle, WA


Blue Note Jazz Club - Tokyo, Japan


Dazzle Restaurant & Lounge in Denver, CO


Ronnie Scott's in London



« Comprehensive List of Jazz on Twitter (Letter T) | Main | Comprehensive List of Jazz on Twitter (Letters N, O, P) »

Comprehensive List of Jazz on Twitter (Letters Q, R, S)

The "Unofficial" Comprehensive List of All Things (People & Places, Too!) Jazz on Twitter [Letters Q, R, S] continues!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • The list is alphabetical from the first name of the person or first word in the name of the organization/event/venue. It is not alpha by Twitter handle.  For example, I'm Donna M on Twitter. My Twitter handle is @ElementsOfJazz. In the master list that I've created here on the website, I am found under the letter "D", not the letter "E".
  • The links are red. Just click on the link and it will take you to that particular Twitter page.
  • Even if they are listed, that doesn't necessarily mean that the account is currently active.

Please let me know about who or what wasn't included. Thank you!



q fusion |  | Istanbul, TR

Quadrangle | quadranglejazz | Chicago IL, US

Quamon Fowler | TeXas10er | Dallas/Fort Worth TX, US

Queen of Bohemia |  | Jersey City NJ, US

Quentin Paquignon |  | Shanghai & Beijing, CN

Quincy Jones | QuincyDJones | Los Angeles CA, US

Quintessential Jazz |  | Vancouver BC, CA




R2nJazz |  | Worldwide

R Leonard Helton | RLeonardoHelton | Houston TX, US

Rachael Henshaw |  | London, UK 

Rachel Cantrell | thejazzpost | Valencia CA, US

Rachel Eckroth |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Rachel Jenkins | RachelJenkins1 | London, UK

Rachel Z | RachelZmusic | Brooklyn NY, US

Rachel Z Omar Hakim |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Radio 3DFM |  | France

Radio 3Jazzon3 | R3Jazzon3 | London, UK

Radio 6 Soul & Jazz | Radio6NL | Netherlands

Radio Abracadabra |  | Roma, IT 

Radio Adelaide Jazz |JazzProg1015 | Australia

Radio Jazz | RadioJazz | Amsterdam, NL

radiojazzplus.com |  |  Worldwide

RadioSky-Music Jazz | RadioskyMusic  | St Croix VI, US

Rafael Hovhannisyan |  

Rafael Nieves | FallitoNieves | Arecibo, PR

Rainer Theobald | saxophonemusic | Berlin, DE

Rajiv Halim | rajivjazzktd | Chicago IL, US

Ralf G |  | Worms, DE 

Ralph A. Miriello | jazz4mula | NYC

Ralph T. Lofton, Jr. | RTLJR | Nashville TN, US

Ralph Wyld | RalphWyld | Fleet - Hampshire, UK

Rams Head On Stage | RamsHeadOnStage  | Annapolis MD, US

Ramon Banda |  

Ramsey Lewis | RamseyLewis | Chicago IL, US

Randall Kline |  | San Francisco CA, US 

Randy Willis |  | New Orleans LA, US 

Rare Standard |  | Detroit MI, US 

Rasselas Jazz Club | Rasselas1 | San Francisco CA, US

Raul Rico | latinjazzr  | Oxnard CA, US

Ravi Coltrane | RaviColtrane

Ray Charsley | RayCharsley  | Portugal

Ray Gligor |

Rayburn Music | RayburnMusicNY  | NYC

Raymond James | dingbod | New Zealand 

Real Snarky Puppy |  | Brooklyn NY & Dallas TX, US 

Rebecca Dale | beckyjazzbird  |Winchester, UK

Rebekka Ling | RebekkaLing | Amsterdam,  NL

Red Cat |  redcatjazzcafe | Houston TX, US

Red Clay Jazz |  | Kauai HI, US 

The Red Fox Tails |  | Oceanside CA, US

Red Sea Jazz Festival | RSJF | Eilat, IL

RedStilettoJazzRadio |  | Ponte Vedra FL, US 

Reduta Jazz Club |  | Prague, CZ

RedWhite Jazz Loung |  | Jakarta, ID

Reference Recordings | RefRecordings | San Francisco CA, US

The Regattabar | TheRegattabar | Harvard Square - Cambridge MA, US

Reggie Pace | ReggiePace| Richmond VA, US

Regina Carter | Regina_Carter | NYC

Reginald Cyntje | cyntjemusic | Washington, DC

Reims Jazz Festival | reimsjazzfestiv | Reims, FR

Relish Philly | RelishPhilly | Philadelphia PA, US

REMBRANDTjazzpianist |  | Den Haag, NL 

RememberShakti |  

Reminiscing Radio | Jazz_Radio_ | Queensland, AU

Rémy BOUSSEAU |  | Paris, FR

Renato Biolcati Rinaldi | nightP | Aprilia, IT

Renaud Garcia-Fons |

Renaud Penant | renaudpenant | New York, US

Rene Marie | manaymanee | Colorado, US

René  Perez Zapata |  | France 

René van Beeck | amsterdamjazz | Amsterdam, NL

Renée Yoxon | reneeyoxon | Ottawa ON, CA

Reno Jazz Festival | RenoJazzFest | Reno NV, US

Resonance Jazz |  | Oakland CA, US

Resonance Records | resonancejazz | Los Angeles CA, US

The Respect Sextet |  | NYC 

Rev Chris Marsceill | revchristopher | Mt. Airy PA, US

Revoice! Festival |  | London, UK

The Rex Hotel | RexHotelToronto | Toronto ON, CA

Rex Richardson | RexTrumpet  | Richmond VA, US

Reynaud | reynauddude | Cape Town, ZA

Rez Abbasi | reztone | NYC

Rhiannon Music |  | Hawaii, US 

RHINOJAZZ |  | France

Ribouem |  | Togo

Rich Keith GM PJR | purejazzradio

Rich Underhill | richunderhill | Toronto ON, CA

Richard Elliot | RichElliotSax | Los Angeles CA, US

Richard Gomez | Richard_Gomez | Los Angeles CA, US

Richard Henry worldwidejazz  | Houston TX, US

Richard Hunter, Jr. | drumrich79  | New Orleans LA, US

Richard O'Brien Bass |  | Bristol, UK

Richard Page richpagesax | Gatineau QC, CA

Richard Sadler | rmsadler | London, UK

Richard Scheinin |  | San Francisco CA, US

Richard Szaniszlo |  | Budapest, HU

Richard Vitale | RichieVitale | NYC

Richmond VA Jazz | RVAJazz

Rick Braun |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

Rick Scott |  | Marina del Rey CA, US 

Rick Stone | rickstonemusic | Brooklyn NY, US

Ridah Omri | RidahOmri | Santa Barbara CA, US

Ringo Lorier |

RippedRadio.com | RippedRadioJazz | US

Riverwalk Jazz | RiverwalkJazz | San Antonio TX, US

RiverStreet JazzCafé | riverstreetjazz | Plains PA, US

Riviera Jazz Club | rivierajazzclub | Côte D'Azur, FR

RJ & the Assignment |  | Las Vegas NV, US 

Rob |  

Rob Grundel | robbieggg | London, UK

Rob Levit | roblevit |  Annapolis MD, US

Rob Mader | RobMader | Las Vegas NV, US

Rob Michael | AtmosTrio | San Francisco CA, US

Rob Oxoby | roboxoby

Rob van de Wouw | robvandewouw | Rotterdam, NL

Rob Wallace |  

Robbie Vincent UK-DJ | RobbieVincentDJ  | London, UK

Robert Dodson | topbop_ | Scottsdale AZ, US

Robert Glasper | robertglasper

Robert Mitchell | robertmitchellm

Robert Torme |  | New Orleans LA, US

Roberta Donnay Jazz |  | San Franciso CA, US

Roberta Gambarini | rgambarini  | NYC

Roberto Cordero Jazz |  | Marina Del Rey CA, US

Roberto Dominguez |  | Barcelona, ES 

Roberto’s Winds | RobertosWinds | NYC

Robin Eubanks | robineubanks

Robin Phillips Jazz | RobinPjazz | London and Cambridge, UK

Roc Intl Jazz Fest | XRIJF  | Rochester NY, US

roccellajazzfest |  | Italy 

Rochelle House | rochellehouse | Seattle WA, US


Rochester Jazz Star | RocJazzStar | Rochester NY, US

Rocky Mountain Jazz | RMJazz

Rod Gilbert |  | Melbourne, AU

Rod Lucas | BestSmoothJazz | London, UK

Rod MacDowell |rodneyonbass | Los Angeles CA, US

Rodney Chong | chongroger | Toronto ON, CA

Rodney Richardson | jrodneyjazz | Washington, DC

Rodrigo Cotelo |  | Montevideo, UY

Rodrigo G Pahlen |  | Barcelona, ES

Roger Farbey | RogerFarbey | London, UK

Roger Foster |  | Coventry, UK 

Roger Thomas | EditorJazzUK | London, UK

Rogerio Lazur |  | Brazil 

Rogier Telderman |  | Tilburg, NL

Roland Perrin | RolandPerrin |London, UK

Roma Jazz Festival | RomaJazz  | Rome, IT

Roman St. James | RomanStJames | Los Angeles CA, US

Ron Blake | RonBlakeMusic | NYC

Ron Davis | rondavismusic  | Canada

Ron Jackson Music | ronjacksonmusic | NYC

Ron Kelley |  | New Orleans LA, US 

Ron Weinstock | novaron1 | Falls Church VA, US

Ronald Jackson |  | NYC

Rondi Charleston |  

Ronnie Scott's | officialronnies | Soho - London, UK

Room Jazz Radio | roomjazz | Chile

Roseanna Vitro |  | New Jersey, US 

Rosie Hanley | RoseanneHanley

Ross MacIntyre | rossmacintyre | Toronto ON, CA

Ross McIntire | mondocoin | New Orleans LA, US

Ross Porter JAZZFM91 | RPorterJAZZFM91 | Toronto ON, CA

RoswellJazzFest |  | Roswell, NM

RoxboroEntertainment | RoxboroEnt | Los Angeles CA, US

Roxi Copland | roxicopland | Des Moines IA, US

Roy Paci |  | Worldwide 

Ruby Alexander | jazzyruby | Worldwide

Rudresh Mahanthappa | rudreshm | Brooklyn NY, US

Rudy Redl |  | Berlin, DE

Rudy Royston |  | US 

Rufus Harley |

Rus Pearson | ruspearson  | London, UK

Russ Flynn | RussFlynnMusic | Brooklyn NY, US

Russ Gershon | russgershon | Somerville MA, US

Russ Lossing |  | NYC

Russ Sargeant | RussBass | Midlands, UK

Russell Gunn | RussellGunn | Atlanta GA, US

Ruth Price |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

RWilcoxJazz |  | Boston MA, US

Ryan Kilgore | Ryankilgore1 | Atlanta GA, US

Ryan Rost | TheRealRyanRost | Garden Grove CA, US

Ryan Truesdell | GilEvansProject | NYC

RyeJazz |  | Rye - Sussex, UK



Saalik Ahmad Ziyad | saalikjazz

Sac Jazz Society | sacjazz | Sacremento CA, US

Sachal Music | SachalMusic | Lahore, PK

Sachal Vasandani | sachalv | NYC

The Sage Gateshead | sage_gateshead

Saint Emilion Jazz |  | Saint Emilion, FR

Sal La Rocca | Sallarocca2 | Belgium

Sam Hutcheson | saintpetersjazz | NYC

Sam Healey | SamHealeySax | Manchester, UK 

Sam Leak's Aquarium |  | London, UK

Sam Montooth | Sambassman | Long Beach CA, US

Sam Records |  | Paris, FR

Sam Rucker |  | Virginia, US

Sam Torres |  | NYC 

Sam's Brasserie Jazz | samsjazz | Chiswick - London, UK

Sameer Gupta | tablajazz | NYC 

SammyFigueroaMusic |  | Worldwide

Samora Pinderhughes | samora1991 | Berkeley CA, US

Samuel Barnett |  | London, UK 

Samuel Blaser | samuelblaser | Berlin, DE

Samuel C Lees |  

Samuel Crowe |  | London, UK 

San Jose Jazz | sanjosejazz | San Jose CA, US

Sandoval Office |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

Sandra Marcy |  | Manchester & London, UK

Sandra Y Johnson | SandraYJohnson | Washington, DC 

Sandro Dominelli | sandrodominelli 

Sandro Zerafa | maltajazzfest | Malta

Sands Gainsborough | SandsGainsboro | Gainsborough, UK 

Sandy Kovach | positiveagenda | Detroit MI, US

SanFranciscoJaz |  | San Francisco CA, US 

Santa Fe & Fat City Horns | SantaFeBand | Las Vegas NV, US

Santiago Rodríguez |  | Madrid, ES 

Sara de Ville | saradeville | Belgium 

Sara della porta | saradellaporta | Rome, IT

Sara Gazarek | saragazarek | Los Angeles CA, US

Sara Oschlag | soquartet | Brighton, UK

Sara Patrick | SaraPatrickPR | NYC

Sarah Ashley Ramirez | SarahARamirez | Texas, US

Sarah DeLeo | sarahdeleomusic | NYC

Sarah Ellen Hughes | Sarehug  | London, UK

Sarah Leib | saraleib | Los Angeles CA, US

Sarah Tracey | sarah_tracey | NYC 

Satin Mosley | Satin_D0LL | Lansing MI , US

Saturnino Celani |  | Milano, IT 

SaveursJazz Festival |  | Segré, FR

The Sax Pack | thesaxpack | Seattle WA, US

saxguy |  | Chicago IL, US

Saxophina | saxophina

Saxophone | TheSaxophones

Saxinblue |

SaySo Records | SaySoRecords | London, UK 

S.B Big Band Jazz |

Scarborough Jazz Fest | scarboroughjazz | Scarborough, UK

Scatt Jazz Lounge | scatjazzlounge | Fort Worth TX, US

Scheldejazz | scheldejazz  | Terneuzen, NL

Schema Records |  | Mila, IT

Schmazz | Schmazz | Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 

SciRipa | SciRipa | Los Angeles CA, US

Scott Boni | scottboni  | Boston MA, US

Scott Colley | scottcolleybass

Scott Fugate | Jazzevangelist | Gainesville GA, US

Scott McLemore | ScottMcLemore | Iceland

Scott Willis | talkinjazzradio | Los Angeles CA, US

Scottish Jazz Fed |  | Scotland

Scotty Barnhart |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

scuJAZZnews | scuJAZZ | Worldwide

Scullers Jazz Club | ScullersJazz  | Boston MA, US

Seabottom Jazzfest |  | Lelystad, NL 

Seabreeze Jazz Fest |  | Destin FL, US 

Sean J O'Connell |  | Los Angeles CA, US

Sean Jones | sjonesjazz | Pittsburgh PA, US

Sean O'Bryan Smith | Bassfett | Tennessee, US

Search and Restore | nycjazz | Brooklyn NY, US

Seb | SebUK | London, UK

Sebastian Scotney | LondonJazz | Kings Place - London, UK

Sebastien Helary | helary86 | Montreal QC, CA

Sébastien Paindestre |

Sebastien Vidal | SebastienVidal | Paris, FR

SebNeccaQuartet |  | Aix les bains, FR 

Sector7 | Sector7jazz | London, UK

Sedajazz | Sedajazz | Valencia, ES

Seixal Jazz | SeixalJazz | Seixal, PT

Serge Tebu |  | Manchester, UK 

Sergei Davydov |  | Ukraine 

Sergio Mendes | sergiomendes | Los Angeles CA, US

The Session | thesessionleeds | Leeds, UK

Seven Jazz Leeds |  | Leeds, UK 

SF Jazz & Blues | sxflsjazzblues | Sioux Falls SD, US

SF Offside Festival |  | San Francisco CA, US 

SFBay Area Jazz | SFBayAreaJazz | San Francisco CA, US

SFJAZZ | sfjazz | San Francisco CA, US

Shai Maestro |  | NYC 

Shanachie |  | New Jersey, US

Shannon Gunn | JazzToTheBone | Manassas VA, US

Sharel Cassity |  | NYC 

Sharon Marie Cline |  | Venice CA, US 

Shayna Steele |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Shaynee Rainbolt | ShayneeRainbolt | NYC

Sheila Daniels | Shejazzsinger | London, UK

Sheila E | SheilaEdrummer

Sherif Sherif | SherifLeithy | Toronto ON, CA

Sherry Fisher | Smoothjazzphoto | Southern CA

Sherry Hill | FresnoJazz | Fresno, CA

Sheryl Bailey |  | NYC 

Shimrit Shoshan (RIP) |  | NYC 

Shoghi Hayes | ShoghiHayes | Rochester NY, US

Shoko Jazz Singer | shokomegami | 日本国

Shoto ASAI | shotaro_eng | Nagoya, JP

Showtime Productions | showtimejazz | Singapore, SG

Shrewsbury Jazz Network | ShrewsburyJazz | Shrewsbury, UK

Shuji Watanabe | shujibass | Kyoto, JP

Shuya Okino |  | Kyoto, JP 

SIB Jazz Fest |  | Sunny Isles Beach FL, US

Sibiu Jazz Festival | sibiujazz | Romania

Siebe van Ineveld | siebevanineveld  | Rotterdam, NL

Sigurdór | siggidori | Reykjavík, IS

Silda Jazz | SILDAJAZZ | Haugesund, NO

Silvano Monasterios |  | Miami FL, V

Simon Montgomery | simonmontgomery | Perth, AU

Simona Cosimi |  | London, UK 

Simona Premazzi |  | NYC 

Simone Gubbiotti |  | Perugia, IT 

Simone Vimercati | SimoneJazzItUp | Monza - Milan, IT

Simonetta Ledda | SimoLedda

Sinouj Music |  | Madrid, ES 

Sioux Falls JazzFest | JazzFestSF | Sioux Falls SD, US

Sirena Carolina |  | Quilpue, CL

SiriusXMWatercolors |  | NYC

SJO |  | Sacremento CA, US

SJV Jazz Festival | sjvjazzfestival  | Clovis CA, US

SK Jazz Festival | saskjazz |Saskatoon SK, CA

Sknail |  | Lausanne, CH 

Skoolwerk Apparel | Skoolwerk

Sky DeadCatz |  | Toronto ON, CA

Sky.fm Smooth Jazz |  | US & UK

Skye Jazz Festival | SkyeJazzFest | Isle Of Skye - Scotland, UK

SkyeSwingandJazz |  | Isle of Skye - Scotland, UK 

Skyfalljazz | skyfalljazz | Nigeria 

Śląski Jazz Club | SJCGliwice| Gliwice, PL

Slideman |  | Kentucky, US

Sligo Jazz | @sligojazz | Sligo, IE

Slim Man | timcamponeschi  | Maryland, US

SLC Jazz Festival | slcjazzfestival | Salt Lake City UT, US

The Slippery Nickels | slipperynickels | Napa CA, US

SLO Jazz Festival | SLOJazzFestival | San Luis Obispo CA, US

Sly de moya |  | Dominican Republic 

Smalls Jazz Club | SmallsJazzClub | NYC

Smoke Jazz Club | smokejazzclub  | NYC

Smooth Jazz 247 |  | US 

Smooth Jazz Chicago | CloseUp2 | Chicago IL, US

Smooth Jazz New York | SmoothJazzNY |  NYC

Smooth Jazz Music |  | San Francisco CA, US

Smooth Jazz Music |  | US 

Smooth Jazz Now | smoothjazznow | US

smooth jazzy jay |  

Smooth Wave Jazz | SmoothWaveJazz | San Antonio TX, US

SmoothJazzRaleigh |  | Raleigh-Durham NC, US 

SmoothJazzTimes.com | SmoothJazzTimes | Washington, DC

Snam'Film |  | France

Snap Studios |  | London, UK 

Snow College Jazz |  | Ephraim UT, US 

So Jazz |

So What Jazz | sowhatjazz | Rochester NY, US

SOAJAZZ |  | Montreal QC, CA

Sofija Knezevic | sofijazz  | Austria-Serbia

Soil & Pimp info | soil_pimp_info | Japan


Solomon Douglas | solomondouglas

Sonja Hopkins |

Sonny Edwards | sonnysounds 

Sonny Rollins | sonnyrollins | NYC

Sonoma Jazz | SonomaJazzPlus | Sonoma CA, US

SonomaValleyJazzSoc | SVJSSonoma CA, US

Sooze Jazz Joint |  | Baltimore MD, US

Sophie Milman | sophiemilman | Toronto ON, CA

Sophisticated Funk |

Soton Jazz Project |  | Southampton, UK 

Soul Brother Records |  | London, UK 

Soul Cycle |  | Brooklyn NY, US 

Soul Fuego | SoulFuego | Philadelphia PA, US

Soulstice Groove |  | US 

Soulpower-Radio.com | SoulpowerRadio | Oxfordshire, UK

Sound On Fourth |SoundOnFourth | Berlin, DE

The Sound of You |  

Southbank Centre | southbankcentre | London, UK

SouthEast Jazz | SouthEastJazz | Southeastern US

SouthEastJazz |  | Netherlands

Soweto Kinch | sowetokinch | Birmingham, UK

SP Dixieland Jazz |  | Southern CA, US 

Spaghettini Jazz | SpaghettiniJazz  | Seal Beach CA, US

The Spasm Band | spasmbandits  | London, UK

Spaz Gunn |  | Riyadh, SA

SpectraJazz |  | Charleston SC, US

The Spin Off (Leeds) | thespinoff | Leeds, UK

SpinJazz@Wheatsheaf | spinjazz |Wheatsheaf Oxford, UK

Spoleto Festival USA | SpoletoFestival | Charleston SC, US

Spoonys Music Diary | spoonysdiary | US

St George's Bristol |  | Bristol, UK

Stan Killian |  | NYC 

Stan Sorenson |  | Arizona, US

Stan Wilkerson | stanwilkerson | Tampa FL, US

Stanford Jazz | stanfordjazz  | Stanford CA, US

Stanley Clarke | MrStanleyClarke

Stanley Jordan | stanley_jordan | US

Stanley Maxwell | stanleymaxwell | Connecticut, US

State Of Monc | stateofmonc | Rotterdam, NL

Std Bank Joy of Jazz |  | Johannesburg, ZA    

Stefano Bollani |  | Worldwide

Stefon Harris | stefonharris |New Jersey, US

Steinway & Sons | SteinwayandSons| Long Island City NY, US

Stephan Moore |jazzwrap  | US

Stephane Belmondo |  | Paris, FR

Stéphane Mercier | steph_mercier | Brussels, BE

Stephanie Porter | StephPorterJazz | Pacific NW, US

Stephen Duffy |  | Scotland 

Stephen Gauci |  | Brooklyn NY, US 

Stephen Wright |  | Chicago IL, US

Steve Amirault | samirault | Montreal QC, CA

Steve Blanco | PianoWarrior | NYC

Steve Bowie | Blog_O_Jazz | Pasadena CA, US

Steve Clarke |  | Bridgeport CT, US 

Steve Doolan |  | Cwmbran - Wales, UK 

Steve Groves | guitarjazztv

Steve Hemsworth |  | UK 

Steve Holt | holt_s | Toronto ON, CA

Steve Lehman | thestevelehman  | NYC

Steve Limpert | SteveLimpert | Phoenix AZ

Steve Lloyd Smith | stevellsmith | Vancouver BC, CA

Steve Meashey | SteveMeashey | Central PA, US

Steve Oliver |  SteveOliverJazz | Los Angeles CA, US

Steve Provizer | improviz | Boston MA, US

Steve Raybine |  | Omaha NE, US

Steve Rozek | rozekmusic  | Indianapolis IN, US

Steve Rubin | warwickjazz | Warwick NY, US

Steve Smith |  | NYC

Steve Tyrell | steve_tyrell

Steve Uccello | SteveUccello | Monterey CA, US

Steve Williams | stevewilliamsdr | NYC

Steven Cook |  | NYC 

Steven Lambert |  | Kansas City MO, US 

StevenLugerner |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Stockholm Jazz Festival | SthlmJazzFest

Storie di Jazz |  | Padova, IT 

Stout | STOUTJAZZFUNK  | Tokyo, JP

Straight No Chaser |  | Massachusetts, US 

Strictly Smokin' | strictlysmokin | Newcastle, UK

Studio V Jazz | StudioVJazz | Missouri, US

Stylus Music App |

Suddenly Jazz! |  | Jakarta, ID 

Südtirol Jazz |  | Südtirol, IT 

Sue Edwards | jazzshark | London, UK & NYC

Sue Richardson |  | Sussex, UK 

Sue Sinclair | sinclairmusic | Greenwood Lake NY, US

Sue Terry | SueTerry | Worldwide

Suena Latin Jazz | SuenaLatinJazz | Chicago IL, US

The Sugar Spoons |  | Denver CO, US 

Sultans of String | sultansofstring | Toronto ON, CA

SummerJazz Leiden |  | Leiden, NL 

Suncoast Jazz |  

Sunday Jazz Club |  | UK 

Sunderland Jazz Fest | Sunderlandjazz | Sunderland, UK

Sunero |  | Lagos, NG

Sunna Gunnlaugs | SunnaGunnlaugs | Iceland

Sunnuva Bæk | Sunnuva | Manchester, UK

Suresh Singaratnam | whoissuresh | Worldwide

SureWill Jazz | SureWillJazz

Susan Reeves | SusanJazz  | North Carolina, US

Susana Raya | susanarayajazz  | Amsterdam, NL

Susanne Alt |  | Amsterdam, NL

Susie Arioli | SusieArioli | Montréal QC, CA

Susie Warmington |  | Houston TX, US

Sutri in Jazz |  | 

Suzanna Smith | suzlee | Oakland CA, US

SvarcTrio |  | Leeds, UK 

Svetlana Kolbanjowa |  | Kaliningrad, RU

Svetlanajazz | 

Svoy |  | NYC 

Swansea Jazzland | swanseajazzland | Uplands - Swansea, UK

Swing Central Jazz | SAVSwingCentral | Savannah GA, US

Swing Columbus | SwingColumbus |Columbus OH, US

Swing Dynamite | swingdynamite | Ottawa ON, CA

SWING46 | swing46nyc | Times Square, NYC

Swit Records |  | Barcelona, ES

Sy Smith | Syberspace | Los Angeles CA, US

Sybil Gage | Sybilized | Cocoa FL, US

Sylvain Picard |  | Montreal QC, CA

Sylvain Ransy |  | Nantes, FR & Montreal QC, CA 

Sylwia Bialas | FairyEven8 |Germany

Symphonic Jazz Orch |  | Culver City CA, US

Symphony Space | SymphonySpace | Broadway at 95th St, NYC



Reader Comments (2)

I'm honored to be on this list! Thanks Donna, and great job!

November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Uccello


You're welcome - how could you not be included on the list? :)


November 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterDonna M
Comments for this entry have been disabled. Additional comments may not be added to this entry at this time.